Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Start of Summer

We have had a great start to our summer so far! Last week we took our first trip of the summer to the zoo. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast! You can see S's blue mouth from the cool treat they got at the end of the day! My girlfriend had made them "Zoo Passports"- little booklets where they could check off the animals they saw as we walked around. It was so cute! She is so creative!

Even though it's summer, we are still in school. We got a really late start to our school year this year, so we will be schooling through the summer. But despite that, it will still be a fun and busy summer with lots to do!

I wanted to share a verse that is beginning to mean a lot to me.

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17(NIV)

What an amazing thing to know that the God of the universe delights in us! I know that I personally am so undeserving of that delight- but he does it anyways! Over this last year, the Gospel has become new to me all over again. I'm really enjoying learning about my God in a whole new light. It still amazes me that after...ahem...30...ugh...years that I can learn something new about my Creator! I love that! I will try and share my new findings as I come across them in hopes that you may learn something new too:) How has the start to your summer been so far??


  1. Zoo Passports are such a fun idea!

    And, what a great verse! So amazing to think about how He delights in us. Thanks for sharing!

    I, for one, am *super* happy to see you back in the blog world! :)

  2. aww thanks friend!! it's good to be back:)
