Friday, December 30, 2011

Season of Blessings

Today I was reminded of how incredibly blessed I really am. It started as a simple phone call to my dad, as I was on my way to do some shopping BY MYSELF!! (Thanks to my fabulous sister-in-law!) THAT is a blessing all in itself!! :) Anyways, I decided to call my dad to check in. The conversation began to stray towards the direction of reminiscing. As we started down memory lane, we began to recall details of my diagnosis, almost 12 years ago. My dad reminded me that according to all of the stats, I shouldn't be alive today. The most amazing thing in all of it, to me, has always been seeing the Lord in the details. The simple fact that had we decided to go to Chicago first, they would've put me in a clinical trial. They would not have done surgery first. They would've done chemotherapy to try and shrink the tumor (which we found out later that my cancer was non-responsive to.). That means that they wouldn't have found the tumors heading towards my brain and by the time they would've found it, it would've been too late. God was in the details guiding my parents in the right direction every step of the way. That is just the first of many details where He clearly had His hand in it. I'm so grateful my parents listened to the gentle quiet voice of our Healer and followed His guidance. After we hung up the phone, I was listening to the song "Blessings" by Laura Story. I had tears in my eyes as I quietly worshiped and thanked our amazing Father for His faithfulness and mercy. I know so many others that have had a completely different outcome than I did, which I have often wondered why. But because I know I will never know that answer, I take comfort in the fact that He is in control and no detail goes unnoticed. Thank you Abba for being in the details:)


  1. Heather, thanks for sharing this story! I know you and I haven't had too much time to really talk about your story. I loved hearing how God worked through this situation with you and your parents! How amazing!!!
