Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Absolute Truth in This Relative World


That has become a fairly subjective word in our culture today. According to our society, there is no absolute truth anymore. What is true for me may not be true for you. It's relative.

But is it really?

It sounds great initially, but it really is the entrance to a deep cavernous rabbit hole that ultimately leads to destruction. If there is no absolute truth, than morality is subjective as well. If that's the case, then there really is no "right" and "wrong" and that, my friends, is troubling and only leads to chaos.

Fortunately, there is such a thing as absolute truth. Scripture. Praise God for it. It gives us a basis for how to live- a plan for how life works best- a picture book of our Savior's incredible rescue plan for His beloved people.

Absolute truth.

This is what I cling to in these trying days. As we watch our world unravel before our eyes, it is our one constant- our reprieve. God's Word to us...His good and perfect Word.

But lately my heart has been breaking...feeling like it's being ripped in two. God's Word is under attack. And what's even worse is that it's by His own people.

You may have seen/heard about a recent viewpoint that has come out from a couple in the Christian world that have a large platform. As pastors, authors, and speakers they have quite a reach of influence. It was revealed in an interview that they now hold to the view that a monogamous relationship of the same gender is approved by God and even considered to be holy. They claim to have come to this interpretation of Scripture after a year's worth of study, prayer, and seeking the Spirit. And this is the result.

Friends...I was speechless when I first heard this. I felt sick and could literally feel my heart break in two. Why?

Because this viewpoint clearly goes against what Scripture says. There's no way around it. And to say there is, is twisting Scripture to make it more appealing to the masses and to make it easier to swallow.

But that's not absolute truth.

If you had no outside influences, you had never read Scripture before, knew nothing about this issue (either side), and were stranded on a desert island with only a Bible- I guarantee you there would be no question in mind, after reading through it, what God's view of this is. He makes it very clear. Does that make it easier? No. But that doesn't cloud the clarity.

But honestly, what scares me even more is to watch the events that have been unfolding after this announcement. There is literally being a line drawn and people of the Church are choosing sides.

And it's getting ugly.

Do you know that the best way to destroy something is from within? Yep. The enemy knows that too. And that's exactly what he's doing. And he's doing a fine job at it too. But that's where we have to stand next to the only constant true thing here- God's Word.

We cannot drift from it- especially now. Because our world is only going to continue to become more divisive, corrupted, and broken. We have to stand firm, but firm in love.

We are called to stand in truth, but do it in love.
We are called to love, but do it in truth.
We are called to love our neighbor, but to love God first.

That last point may be the most important. When we twist Scripture to make it more palatable, we are now loving our neighbor more than God. If we try to change Him to make Him more appealing to those that are questioning or are not walking with Him, then we are trying to do the Spirit's job. It's not our job to convince someone of God. The Spirit stirs the soul- not us. We are simply the messengers.

As our world continues to change, let's remember to first love God wholeheartedly and also to love others through the lens of His love. The more the world changes, the more desperately we need to cling to Him and to His Word. We will be hearing more perversions of the Word as we move forward. It's guaranteed. So now, more than ever, we need to make sure we ground ourselves in truth. Make sure we are asking God for a discerning spirit and to not try to dig around something just because it's hard or uncomfortable.

Because guess what?

The Gospel is uncomfortable.

In order to truly grasp it, you have to "die to self"- give up yourself entirely- be willing to walk away from whatever stands between you and Christ.

That's uncomfortable to our limited human purview. But oh so worth it.

There's no greater joy and satisfaction than in the arms of Jesus- no matter the cost. And it will cost you on this side of eternity. But you can rest in the fact that it cost our Savior way more than it will ever cost you.

“I believe that in the end the truth will conquer.”
~ John Wycliffe

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