Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Roller Coasters

If the song "roller coasters of love....roller coaster ooh ooh ooh" just popped into your lived through the 90s ;)

I love roller coasters. The thrill of losing your stomach up to your neck is addicting. I absolutely love it. Not the spinny rides though. No how...uh-uh. Yuck. But roller coasters...yes. Love.

However...(you sensed that coming, didn't you?) I do NOT enjoy "emotional roller coasters". You know the kind...the ones that make you feel like someone should bust out the straight jacket and commit you?? They rate right up there with the spinny rides. They rival being laid up with the disgusting, gut-wrenching flu. In fact, I'd RATHER be laid up with the flu then be on the "Horrific Hormone" ride of death. Seriously. At least you know the flu will end. Not so with this crazy ride.

Now...take that and add another massive layer to it called "menopause". Yep. Ladies...for those of you who have yet to enter this result of "the fall", it's as every bit as horrible as you've imagined. So fun...

For those of you who don't know, I battled cancer for 10 years off and on. (Another story for another day.) And the treatments that they give you to try and ward off the evil cancer really are the lesser of two the time. What they don't really tell you (because they don't honestly really know) is that the fun really kicks into high gear years after the treatments are over. It's because of that, that I am in the early stages of "the change". So awesome.

I know this post is dripping with cynicism, but that is part of the ride that I am on today. I believe in being honest (especially publicly because our culture isn't) so you're getting the raw uncut version.

The struggle has been particularly difficult, as of late. Not really sure why, but the symptoms have kicked into high gear the last couple months (there's way more than just the moods- my poor hubs ;) ).

So why post about this?

Because of what unfolded today.

Today was a particularly rough day. I had reached my limit. That's when a friend texted and I proceeded to verbally puke out my junk. I'm pretty sure "contemplating sending my kids to military school" was somewhere in the conversation....

And she did exactly what I needed.

She could've joined me in my "woe is me" moment or she could've said "you're ridiculous." But she didn't.

She told me what I needed to hear.

She pointed me to Christ.

She reminded me that I'm not enough on my own- that's why I need Christ and to press into Him.


It always comes back to Him and my (our) incredible and desperate need for Him. He IS enough so I don't need to be. When I feel like this ride is too much to handle, it should be a reminder of how much I need Him.

So this roller's actually a blessing. I know, I know....sounds crazy, right? But it's true. It took the gentle reminder from a sweet friend to remove the fog from my glasses and see clearly. Will I need the reminder again? Yup. Definitely....because we humans have a crazy annoying way of forgetting. It's the same forgetfulness that plagued the Israelites from the beginning. We are no different. We forget...God reminds us...we press into Him...and all is right (until we forget again and start the whole process over!). Praise God for His mercy, forgiveness, and immeasurable patience!!

So...get yourself a "person" who will be that gentle reminder for you. Everyone needs them. That's why God gave us the Church. As imperfect and broken as it is, it's necessary for this crazy journey we call life. Grab your person and invite them onto your crazy roller coaster. Chances are they're on the same one anyways ;)

1 comment:

  1. While I am sorry to hear of your "struggles", I am overjoyed to know that you see God's hand and purpose in them! Yes, we all go through the cycle - drift from daily dependence on God, get "reminded" about out need, draw close to Him; wash, rinse, repeat. Yes, as we learn, the cycle might not be as dramatic as it once was, but it may be again, and even more! Depends on our need. One of the joys of Heaven is that the cycle will come to an end!
