Wednesday, November 4, 2015

To the weary woman....

Weariness. It seems like that is becoming so prevalent in our culture. Everywhere I turn I see a post dedicated to the "weary (fill-in the blank). I myself battle weariness. I wear so many hats (wife, mom, teacher, maid, cook, chauffeur, friend, sister, daughter, etc. etc. etc....). Sometimes the weight of the hats gets to be more than I can bear. Add to that then, the trials and difficulties I take on and feel deeply for those that I love around me. The load is almost unbearable at times. There are days when I'm ready to throw in the towel before I even get out of bed! Weariness leads to frustration, which leads to bitterness, which leads to one unhappy mama. But I've realized something about those moments. When I let weariness creep in and win, I've shifted my focus. It's not "weariness's"'s mine. I have a choice on how I will chose to handle what I've been given. I can choose to wallow in weariness and self-pity, which will only lead down a dark and dreary path- void of any true joy and fulfillment. OR I can choose to shift my focus back onto the source of all joy and fulfillment! THAT path always leads to satisfaction and rest. Even though the first choice may be what I want to do, since I don't feel like "adulting" or dealing with my circumstances, the latter choice is always the best one. JESUS is that source. When I shift my focus back onto the cross, and allow Him to fill me, I CAN face what has been placed in front of me. The Bible says in Psalm 46:10 to "Be still and know that I am God.". When weariness or frustration is welling up, I simply need to be still before the foot of the cross, refocus, and soak up the joy that only can come from there. THAT will fight the weariness and help me to push forward. So whatever circumstances you are facing still before God and soak up only what He can offer you. Allow that to refuel you and keep you going! I'd love to hear your thoughts or needs regarding this. How can I pray for you? Feel free to comment or message me! I'd love to share with you!

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