I am not very good at "keeping up" with things usually. So this blogging attempt will be interesting:) This has been a crazy summer for us. We moved back to my husband's family farm, in order for us to be available to help and because we thought it was what the Lord wanted for our family. Its been quite an adjustment, having 8 people under one roof! We are currently living with my in-laws and my sister-in-law. Our goal is to have a house put up right next door sometime next summer. So in the meantime, we are all cozy and snug and together under the same roof. Naturally, we all get frustrated with one another here and there, but overall, it really is a blessing to be so close to family. We used to live in Nashville, TN and rarely had the chance to see family. After being so far away, and now being so close- with kids- we have certainly realized that this is where we need to be. I grew up living right behind my grandparents as well. I don't have very many memories that don't include them in any way, shape, or form. I love that! They were a big part of my life, as I want my kid's grandparents to be also. The insight, wisdom, and love that they can gain from that generation is priceless.
This is also my first year of homeschooling. I think I may be insane:) I literally was one of those people who said they would "NEVER homeschool my kids"! HA! Let me just say, that I think maybe the Lord smirks when we say "never". He seems to have a way of letting us eat our words. Even last fall, I was quoted saying that very thing to a friend- that I would never homeschool. Well, I began reading "Bringing Up Boys" by Dr. Dobson. I had no idea the emphasis on homeschooling that he would give. The Lord began working on my heart and softening it towards homeschooling. I finally sat down one day this spring, and made a list of reasons I did not want to homeschool. To my surprise, I was very humbled when I realized that all of my reasons were purely selfish. Wow....deep sigh...ok. I told the Lord that day, that I was NOT happy about homeschooling, that I didn't want to do it, but that I would. ONLY because I felt like He was telling me it was what I should do. So I begged him for a change in attitude if this was really what I was supposed to do. LITERALLY, the next morning I woke up excited about teaching my children at home!! The Lord is so good and so faithful! I LOVE it when he does stuff like that! Now, that's not to say that I always have a good attitude about it. Because I don't. But I know that this is what is best for my kids and I have been given assurance over and over again that this is right. Its comforting- especially on the hard days. What an honor and privilege it is, to educate my kids in the way they should go. Its also a heavy responsibility. But one that has been entrusted to me. Oh how I pray that the Lord would be evident in my life and that my children will reap what He sows in me. My goal? That my kids would grow up honoring and serving the Lord with all their heart. Everything else is secondary. So I hope you enjoy reading about our experiences! And I hope you can be encouraged through them! To God be the glory:)
Thanks for sharing! :) LOVED reading
ReplyDeleteMarybeth (Key) Dewey