AH! It's been so long since I've posted! Life has been chaotic as usual around here. We are now trying to get back into the swing of things though! I will try and catch you up briefly here on what's been going on in the Olson household! So here it goes!
L turned 4! We've had 3 parties for him and his sister! We are partied out for now! Iron Man, Spiderman, and hunting were the themes! |
Salsa, applesauce, pears, Awanas, friends, Mommy/Daughter date, starting school, family and friend visits, boating, and lots of fun! That's few more highlights from our summer! |
For S's birthday we spent the day in Chicago and went to the American Girl Doll Store! She got to bring her friend and her mom (who happens to be my bestie!) and her Nanas and Aunts! It was a great day full of great fun! Can't believe this girl is 7!!!
Now we've started school and are getting back into routine! We had a fun but crazy busy summer. I'm actually glad it's fall b/c we can have a bit more "normalcy"! Ha! How was your summer??